Today the sky was it's normal grey color, and it rained a little.
First stop is Mighty O again. I wind around Greenlake, which shines silver like mercury. People run and jog around it, improving their bodies slowly but surely. I arrive at Mighty O and they are almost done packing up the donuts. I sit for a bit in a wooden chair, while a kid with many facial piercings takes pictures of pigeons outside with a cellphone. The donuts are ready and it's off across Lake Union.
After getting lost in Queen Anne, I eventually make my way to Top Pot again, and the donuts are ready. Over to KEXP, and the pledge drive is in full swing. The donuts I brought yesterday are out on a table in the hallway, along with salad, cupcakes, paper plates, and a stack of the largest pizza boxes I've ever beheld. They are each the width and length of a Smart Car. I must remember to ask where these are from.
The KEXP building bustles cozily with positive energy. Young, hip little bees go about quietly improving the community in their own little way. I'm reminded equally of a Unitarian church and a grassroots campaign office.
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